Tag: low testosterone

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Depositphotos 45506119 m 2015

Most Affordable Basic Semen Analysis Now on DiscountedLabs.com

Basic Semen Analysis Basic semen analysis is also known as a sperm count test. A semen analysis measures the viability and health of male sperm....
Depositphotos 24059241 m 2015

Testosterone Increases Liver Volume in a Dose Dependent Manner

Animal data shows that testosterone administration increases the volume of some parenchymal organs. However, the effects of exogenous testosterone on solid abdominal organs in...
Depositphotos 10159779 m 2015

Erectile Dysfunction Risk Linked To How Many Medications Are Taken

A study found that as the number of medications men took increased, so did the prevalence of ED, the authors reported - across all...
Depositphotos 32904537 m 2015

Dr. Eugene Shippen Lectures About HRT in Women

Dr. Eugene Shippen is one of the most respected physicians in hormone replacement for men and women. Here he is lecturing to physicians at one...
Depositphotos 172205614 m 2015

Low Free T3 Can Increase Cardiovascular Disease

Low serum free triiodothyronine levels are associated with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease in the euthyroid patients: an observational study. Ertaş F,...