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Testosterone and Acne: What You Need to Know

Testosterone and Acne: What You Need to Know Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the prescribed treatment for men with low testosterone levels. It has become...
Depositphotos 143749279 m 2015

Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption

Most absorption of testosterone in testosterone gels happens during the first 4 hours. The 1.62 % Androgel package insert says this about showering after...
Depositphotos 165800276 m 2015

Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine

Explaining the Different Thryroid Medications: Armour, Desiccated, Levothyroxine, & Liothyronine by Jasen Bruce With the ever increasing price of the brand “Armour Thyroid”, which is a...
Depositphotos 91245426 m 2015

Is the Cystatin- C Kidney Function Test Best for Muscular Men?

Since the concentration of cystatin C in the blood will not change due to infection or inflammation and isn’t affected by body weight, drugs...
Depositphotos 24059241 m 2015

Testosterone Increases Liver Volume in a Dose Dependent Manner

Animal data shows that testosterone administration increases the volume of some parenchymal organs. However, the effects of exogenous testosterone on solid abdominal organs in...