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Depositphotos 45506119 m 2015

Most Affordable Basic Semen Analysis Now on

Basic Semen Analysis Basic semen analysis is also known as a sperm count test. A semen analysis measures the viability and health of male sperm....
Depositphotos 46356011 m 2015

Video: Low Thyroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Allison Woodworth (from explains the main symptoms, diagnosis tests and therapies to treat low thyroid function.  
Depositphotos 129273102 m 2015

A Doctor Speaks: Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs...
erectile dysfunction

When Testosterone Doesn’t Lead to Better Erections

Excerpt from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning...
Depositphotos 56188181 m 2015

How Do ED Drugs Compare? Cialis vs Viagra vs Levitra vs Stendra

A study attempted to look specifically at patient preference when trying to determine choice of PDE5I. This was a prospective, randomized, open-label, fixed-dose, preference...