erectile dysfunction

Venous Leakage: The Cause for Your ED?

By Lee Meyers "Venous leakage." Sounds nasty, doesn't it? Kind of like a hemorrhage or something,...
Depositphotos 24400669 m 2015

Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX

Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis....

TRT Side Effect Management Table

It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone.

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Testosterone Increases Liver Volume in a Dose Dependent Manner

Animal data shows that testosterone administration increases the volume of some parenchymal organs. However, the effects of exogenous testosterone on solid abdominal organs in...
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Video: Testosterone Replacement Options

In theory testosterone replacement should approximate the body’s own natural production of the hormone. The average male produces 4 to 7 mg of testosterone...
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Estrogens and Progestins Treatment for Women

Estrogens and progestins Symptoms of menopause such as vasomotor symptoms or vaginal dryness and reduced sexual pleasure affect two- thirds of women during perimenopause.In 10%–15%...
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Why Use and How Does it Work?

Why Use and How Does it Work? has the most affordable blood tests available online in most cities in the U.S. No doctor...
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Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

Endocr Rev, Vol. 34 (03_MeetingAbstracts): MON-594 Evaluation of the efficacy of subcutaneous administration of testosterone in female to male transexuals and hypogonadal males FDA-approved indications for...