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Depositphotos 91247904 m 2015

Comparison of Testosterone Clinics in the United States

For a comparison of cash-based testosterone clinics in the United States, please visit: This table summarizes the differences between men's health testosterone clinics on the...

Prolactin: Should Men with ED Be Tested ?

Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is known for supporting lactation in women but also have many other functions on...
T options

Testosterone Replacement Treatment Options

From the book: Testosterone: A Man's Guide Testosterone Formulations In theory testosterone replacement should approximate the body’s own natural production of the hormone. The average...
Depositphotos 45506119 m 2015

Most Affordable Basic Semen Analysis Now on

Basic Semen Analysis Basic semen analysis is also known as a sperm count test. A semen analysis measures the viability and health of male sperm....
testosterone podcast Paul Nelson

Erectile Function Optimization: Interview with Nelson Vergel

I know I sound like I'm a broken record, because it made a difference for me. I mean, when I had low testosterone, back in the horrible days, I couldn't even process information. I couldn't talk to my doctor. I couldn't advocate for myself. I was like a doormat. Eventually, obviously, people see the difference, and sometimes that can cause problems.