Tag: clomid

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testosterone side effects

Testosterone Side Effect Management Table

Testosterone Side Effect Management Table   It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone. Problem Solution...
Depositphotos 106569660 m 2015

Sex Hormone Synthesis, Regulation, and Function

The hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis Sex hormone synthesis is controlled by the pulsatile release of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) At the pituitary gland, GnRH stimulates the release...
Depositphotos 24400669 m 2015

Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX

Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis....
Depositphotos 152098370 m 2015

Research Options for Erectile Dysfunction: Stem Cells and More

The best paper to date summarizing research therapies for ED. I highly recommend reading the full paper below (attached file- Register on ExcelMale to...
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New Lab Test Graph Site : MyHealthGraphs.com

 New Lab Test Graph Site : MyHealthGraphs.com MyHealthGraphs.coms is a free service that helps you graph your blood test results along with notes you can...