Tag: erectile supplements

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Depositphotos 24059241 m 2015

Testosterone Increases Liver Volume in a Dose Dependent Manner

Animal data shows that testosterone administration increases the volume of some parenchymal organs. However, the effects of exogenous testosterone on solid abdominal organs in...
Depositphotos 106944076 m 2015

Thyroid Tests and What They Mean

From Auburn University. THYROID FUNCTION TESTS Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) assay measures the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in the serum. TSH...
Depositphotos 45032233 m 2015

Testosterone Therapy Improves Blood Flow in Penis of Men with Low T

The Effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Penile Hemodynamics in Hypogonadal Men With Erectile Dysfunction, Having Veno-Occlusive Dysfunction Researchers investigate the possible benefits of testosterone...
Depositphotos 12050538 m 2015

How to Decrease SHBG and Increase Free Testosterone

As shown in the figure above, about 2 percent of the testosterone in the body is active. This “free testosterone” is not attached to...
Depositphotos 167498118 m 2015

Interview with Lee Myer, Author of “Natural vs Testosterone Therapy”

This is an interview with my good friend Lee Myer, founder of PeakTestosterone.com and author of "Natural vs Testosterone Therapy". Lee has been a...