Tag: sperm

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Depositphotos 30164693 m 2015

Overcoming Challenges in Weight Management

In this video, Dr. Justin Saya explains the challenges in weight loss management and the different therapies used to treat obesity.
Depositphotos 64734701 m 2015

Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol

I get a lot of emails from men on testosterone replacement therapy (and/or HCG) that feel they have water retention (some with ankle swelling)...
Depositphotos 129273102 m 2015

A Doctor Speaks: Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Who is a Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? By Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. There is consensus that candidates for treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy should have signs...
Depositphotos 13960210 m 2015 1

Dr. Saya Speaks About HRT

This is a short video in which Dr. Justin Saya from DefyMedical.com speaks about his approach for hormone replacement therapy in women.
Depositphotos 103039562 m 2015

Starting Testosterone Next Week. What Should I Expect?

Starting testosterone next week. What should I expect? Nelson, I know you wrote the book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide". I was diagnosed with low testosterone...