TRT Side Effect Management Table

It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone.
Depositphotos 24400669 m 2015

Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX

Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis....
erectile dysfunction

Venous Leakage: The Cause for Your ED?

By Lee Meyers "Venous leakage." Sounds nasty, doesn't it? Kind of like a hemorrhage or something,...

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Where to Find Syringes, ED drugs, Doctors, Supplements, etc

Syringes & alcohol pads (No prescription needed. Mailed to your home) https://www.medical-and-lab-supplies....d-needles.html Blood tests (No doctor visit- Most US cities): ED drugs no prescription NOTE FROM NELSON: Please...
Beyond Testosterone bookvideo

Best Testosterone Book Free for Download

Nelson Vergel, a well-known author of men’s health and hormone books, has published his fourth book called Beyond Testosterone. The book contains 386 illustrations about best ways to use treatments like testosterone, thyroid, hcG, anastrozole, peptides, nandrolone, Trimix, Ed drugs, supplements, and much more.
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Water Retention Caused by Anabolics and Testosterone

I think Patrick Arnold makes a great point about a potential mechanism for edema that has nothing to do with elevated estradiol. People familiar with...
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Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption

Most absorption of testosterone in testosterone gels happens during the first 4 hours. The 1.62 % Androgel package insert says this about showering after...

Blood Test to Measure Efficacy of HCG in Men

The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) increases blood levels of testosterone but, surprisingly, it decreases the level of testosterone inside the testicles (Intratesticular...