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How long does testosterone take to show effects?

How long does testosterone take to show effects? A review of studies attempted to determine the time-course of the effects induced by testosterone replacement therapy...
Depositphotos 56143481 m 2015

Low Carb Diet Better Than Low Fat for Weight Loss and Heart

For weight loss and for reducing cardiovascular risk, cutting down on carbs was a more effective strategy than limiting fat intake in a randomized...
Depositphotos 172205614 m 2015

Low Free T3 Can Increase Cardiovascular Disease

Low serum free triiodothyronine levels are associated with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease in the euthyroid patients: an observational study. Ertaş F,...
Depositphotos 90336032 m 2015

The Promise of Pregnenolone

" There are various hormones in our bodies, and many of them are made in the adrenal glands. One of them, specifically, is pregnenolone,...
clomiphene men 1

Clomid: What Every Man Needs to Know

Clomid: What Every Man Needs to Know   Clomid (generic name: clomiphene citrate) is a medication commonly prescribed to treat infertility in women. It stimulates hormone...