Tag: blood tests

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Practical Exercise Tips for Best Body Shape and Health

Practical Exercise Tips for Best Body Shape and Health There is controversy in the literature about the effects of exercise on testosterone blood levels. Conflicting...
Depositphotos 52492703 m 2015

NAC Benefits: HDL and More

NAC does not cause rash or flushing as Niacin. Men on high doses of testosterone have low HDL. Pharmacol Res. 1993 Oct-Nov;28(3):213-8. Dose-related increase of HDL-cholesterol...
Depositphotos 11600096 m 2015

Male Depression and Suicide: It’s Time for a Change

'… Men don't cry. In clinic when a man cries, you can see it might be the first time he's cried in a long...
Depositphotos 52093541 m 2015

Does Testosterone Increase the Chance for a Heart Attack?

"Many healthcare providers hesitate to initiate men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to the belief that these treatments increase the risk of cardiovascular...
Depositphotos 10061854 m 2015 1

Anabolic/Androgenic Hormone Prescribing Indications

Nandrolone Decanoate Presentation: Injectable (IM-Depot) 100mg/mL; 200mg/mL X 10mL Common dose range: 25mg qw- 400mg qw (or q month) Active-life: 7-10 days post injection Treatment and Indication: Nandrolone was...