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erectile dysfunction

Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone

From the book Testosterone: A Man's Guide Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone Many people either don’t trust big drug companies or they...
doctor and male patient

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole Many primary care doctors in the United States feel comfortable prescribing testosterone in...
Depositphotos 24059241 m 2015

Testosterone Increases Liver Volume in a Dose Dependent Manner

Animal data shows that testosterone administration increases the volume of some parenchymal organs. However, the effects of exogenous testosterone on solid abdominal organs in...
Depositphotos 167654776 m 2015

The Most Common Error in Blood Pressure Measurement

The most common error in blood pressure measurement is use of inappropriate cuff size. Considerable overestimation can occur if the cuff is too small....
Depositphotos 52093541 m 2015

Does Testosterone Increase the Chance for a Heart Attack?

"Many healthcare providers hesitate to initiate men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to the belief that these treatments increase the risk of cardiovascular...