Top Testosterone and Men’s Health News- May 2017

Half-Lives of Medication: The Most Underrated Aspect of TRT Is Glutathione the Best Supplement for Health? Should We Be Managing Estradiol and Hematocrit in Men on...

Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices

Transcript: Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) Lecture Video TRANSCRIPTION: Speaker 1:...

Free EBook : Optimize Your Testosterone

Free EBook : Optimize Your Testosterone Table of Contents What Is Testosterone and How Does It Work? Testosterone Metabolites. Testosterone Fractions. Normal Level of Testosterone How To Increase Testosterone...

Nelson Vergel’s Top 10 Testosterone Replacement Commandments (Video)

Nelson Vergel's Top 10 Testosterone Replacement Commandments (Video) Nelson Vergel, author of Testosterone: A Man's Guide ( and founder of and, talks about...

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Estrogens and Progestins Treatment for Women

Estrogens and progestins Symptoms of menopause such as vasomotor symptoms or vaginal dryness and reduced sexual pleasure affect two- thirds of women during perimenopause.In 10%–15%...
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Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? Can Men Treated for Prostate Cancer Use TRT?

This is an excerpt from my book Ensuring Prostate Health—No Link Found Between Androgen Levels and Risk for Prostate Cancer The prostate is a gland that...
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Water Retention Caused by Anabolics and Testosterone

I think Patrick Arnold makes a great point about a potential mechanism for edema that has nothing to do with elevated estradiol. People familiar with...
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Top Mistakes Men Make When Using Testosterone Replacement Therapy

I have heard of so many mistakes being made by people taking testosterone replacement therapy. Some mistakes seriously impacted their quality of life, or...

Statin Drugs Markedly Inhibit Testosterone Production in Rats: Implications for Men

Statin Drugs Markedly Inhibit Testosterone Production by Rat Leydig Cells in Vitro: Implications for Men Reproductive Toxicology Highlights •Statins cause significant reductions in LH-stimulated testosterone production by...