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Depositphotos 30164693 m 2015

Overcoming Challenges in Weight Management

In this video, Dr. Justin Saya explains the challenges in weight loss management and the different therapies used to treat obesity.
Depositphotos 67970543 m 2015

15 Things that Will Kill Your Erections- By Lee Myers

As I often state, an erection is actually a very complex phyical process that involves multiple bodily systems. This is why optimal general health...
trt testosterone blood pressure

High Blood Pressure and Water Retention on Testosterone ( TRT )

Before you start testosterone replacement TRT, it is very important to get your blood pressure under control. This is done through diet, stress management, lowering your salt intake or the use of blood pressure medications. TRT can increase water retention and blood pressure during the first weeks of treatment.
Depositphotos 56188181 m 2015

How Do ED Drugs Compare? Cialis vs Viagra vs Levitra vs Stendra

A study attempted to look specifically at patient preference when trying to determine choice of PDE5I. This was a prospective, randomized, open-label, fixed-dose, preference...
Depositphotos 46356011 m 2015

Video: Low Thyroid Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Allison Woodworth (from explains the main symptoms, diagnosis tests and therapies to treat low thyroid function.