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Low Testosterone Blood Level: How Low is Too Low?

VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Hormones change as we age. As you can tell, these are different hormones: estrogen, thyroid, progesterone, insulin, testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, and this...
Depositphotos 88261528 m 2015

Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Proper monitoring of men on testosterone replacement therapy has been dictated by several medical guidelines groups. However, most of them fall short in guiding...
testosterone podcast Paul Nelson

Erectile Function Optimization: Interview with Nelson Vergel

I know I sound like I'm a broken record, because it made a difference for me. I mean, when I had low testosterone, back in the horrible days, I couldn't even process information. I couldn't talk to my doctor. I couldn't advocate for myself. I was like a doormat. Eventually, obviously, people see the difference, and sometimes that can cause problems.
Depositphotos 24537871 m 2015

The Use of Testosterone in Women – Is it Worth it and Safe?

By Nelson Vergel Author of "Testosterone: A Man's Guide" There is so much confusion about the use of hormones in pre and post menopausal women, especially...
Depositphotos 59331723 m 2015

Interval Training Superior to Others in Improving Muscle Aging

Damn...I hate interval training but these data are very compelling on the advantage of interval training in improving mitochondria function. Time to reconsider my...