Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? Can Men Treated for Prostate Cancer...

This is an excerpt from my book Ensuring Prostate Health—No Link Found Between Androgen Levels and Risk for Prostate Cancer The prostate is a gland that...

Interview with NYC Urologist Dr. Michael Rotman

Michael Rotman, MD, is a board-certified Urologist who offers his patients over two decades of expertise. He graduated from the Mount Sinai School of...

Top Testosterone and Men’s Health News- May 2017

Half-Lives of Medication: The Most Underrated Aspect of TRT Is Glutathione the Best Supplement for Health? Should We Be Managing Estradiol and Hematocrit in Men on...

Interview with Dr. Michael Scally About Optimizing Testosterone Therapy- Part 1

Interview with Dr. Michael Scally About Optimizing Testosterone Therapy- Part 1     Nelson Vergel (NV): Dr. Michael Scally is a well-known expert on men’s health in...

What Every Man Should Know About Prostatitis

What Every Man Should Know About Prostatitis The term prostatitis is applied to a series of disorders, ranging from acute bacterial infection to chronic pain...

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