Tag: depression

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Depositphotos 10846264 m 2015

Clean Nutrition for Health, Muscle Gain and Fat Loss.

By Nelson Vergel There is so much confusing and contradictory information out there about healthy eating. Our food choices can affect not only on our...
Depositphotos 88261528 m 2015

Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Proper monitoring of men on testosterone replacement therapy has been dictated by several medical guidelines groups. However, most of them fall short in guiding...
Depositphotos 11637248 m 2015

Post PCT Bloodwork

This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the...
Depositphotos 106944076 m 2015

Thyroid Tests and What They Mean

From Auburn University. THYROID FUNCTION TESTS Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) assay measures the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in the serum. TSH...
Depositphotos 47485217 m 2015

Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? Can Men Treated for Prostate Cancer Use TRT?

This is an excerpt from my book Ensuring Prostate Health—No Link Found Between Androgen Levels and Risk for Prostate Cancer The prostate is a gland that...