How much protein can the body use in a single meal...

How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution   A long-running debate concerns whether there is...

Anabolic Resistance: Why It Is Harder To Add Muscle Mass As...

We lose muscle mass and strength as we age. This is known as sarcopenia. Muscle loss could begin in our 30s. Genetics and lifestyle play...

Clean Nutrition for Health, Muscle Gain and Fat Loss.

By Nelson Vergel There is so much confusing and contradictory information out there about healthy eating. Our food choices can affect not only on our...

What You Should Know About Weight Loss Supplements

What You Should Know About Weight Loss Supplements It's a well-known fact: excess body weight can be seriously dangerous for your health! Being obese or overweight...

Nelson’s Tips on Nutrition, Exercise and Supplements

Here are some tips and suggestions : Video: Diet: Exercise: Exercise web sites: and Supplements: Zinc/Copper: One, twice a day with food (this supports healthy testosterone and...

Low Carb Diet Better Than Low Fat for Weight Loss and...

For weight loss and for reducing cardiovascular risk, cutting down on carbs was a more effective strategy than limiting fat intake in a randomized...

Nelson’s Top Tricks for Fat Loss

Get real. Ask yourself: What is getting in the way of my health? What excuses am I using to not start giving a damn?...

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