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DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?

DHEA Supplements- Do They Work?   DHEA is a steroid prohormone produced by the adrenal glands and transformed in target tissue to androgens or estrogens. Plasma...
Depositphotos 125714014 m 2015

Top Mistakes Men Make When Using Testosterone Replacement Therapy

I have heard of so many mistakes being made by people taking testosterone replacement therapy. Some mistakes seriously impacted their quality of life, or...
Depositphotos 90336032 m 2015

The Promise of Pregnenolone

" There are various hormones in our bodies, and many of them are made in the adrenal glands. One of them, specifically, is pregnenolone,...
Depositphotos 160062968 m 2015

Estradiol in Men: Interview with Urology Professor Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy

Nelson Vergel, founder of and and author of Testosterone: A Man's Guide, interviews Dr Ranjith Ramasamy. Dr Ramasamy is the Director of...
Depositphotos 48303209 m 2015

Role of E2 in Men and Its Management

Check your estradiol (sensitive) blood levels cheaply: By Nelson Vergel, BsChE, MBA Testosterone is the precursor hormone for estradiol. Estradiol is a hormone more abundant...