Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Herbal testosterone-boosting supplements: Are they effective? By Jerry Brainum Part 1 Subscribe to Jerry Brainum's newsletter: An example of a typical herbal-based testosterone-boosting supplement.I do not...

Erection Pills- Do They Work?

Generally, manufacturers of herbal remedies and dietary supplements do not need FDA approval to sell their products. Just like a drug, herbs and supplements...

Why Sleep is Anabolic

SLEEP IS ANABOLIC Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, M.D. There are a lot of factors that impact on body composition including the two that are... Meal Plan Maintenance Meal Plan Monday -7am: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 oz of smoked salmon, 1/2 avocado, 1 small serving of berries. -11am: Kale Salad w/ 5 oz...

Nelson’s Top Tricks for Fat Loss

Get real. Ask yourself: What is getting in the way of my health? What excuses am I using to not start giving a damn?...

Interview with Jerry Brainum: Truth and Lies About Fat Loss Supplements

Today's google hangout with Jerry Brainum was a great success. I bet that anyone that watches this video will learn things they have never...

Nelson’s Tips on Nutrition, Exercise and Supplements

Here are some tips and suggestions : Video: Diet: Exercise: Exercise web sites: and Supplements: Zinc/Copper: One, twice a day with food (this supports healthy testosterone and...

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The thyroid medication levothyroxine (LEVO-T, LEVOXYL, NOVOTHYROX, SYNTHROID, THYRO-TABS, UNITHROID) is used to treat hypothyroidism, an endocrine disorder resulting from a thyroid homone deficiency...

Prolactin: Should Men with ED Be Tested ?

Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland that is known for supporting lactation in women but also have many other functions on...