Erection Pills- Do They Work?

Generally, manufacturers of herbal remedies and dietary supplements do not need FDA approval to sell their products. Just like a drug, herbs and supplements... Meal Plan Maintenance Meal Plan Monday -7am: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 oz of smoked salmon, 1/2 avocado, 1 small serving of berries. -11am: Kale Salad w/ 5 oz...

Nelson’s Top Tricks for Fat Loss

Get real. Ask yourself: What is getting in the way of my health? What excuses am I using to not start giving a damn?...

Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone

From the book Testosterone: A Man's Guide Supplements That Claim to Improve Sexual Function and/or Testosterone Many people either don’t trust big drug companies or they...

Best Vitamins and Supplements by Nelson Vergel

It is very difficult to know what supplements have been proven to work in clinical studies. In this video Nelson Vergel helps to demystify...

Nelson’s Tips on Nutrition, Exercise and Supplements

Here are some tips and suggestions : Video: Diet: Exercise: Exercise web sites: and Supplements: Zinc/Copper: One, twice a day with food (this supports healthy testosterone and...

Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Herbal testosterone-boosting supplements: Are they effective? By Jerry Brainum Part 1 Subscribe to Jerry Brainum's newsletter: An example of a typical herbal-based testosterone-boosting supplement.I do not...

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