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Depositphotos 10061854 m 2015

Interview with Expert Shaun Noorian from Empower Rx Pharmacy- Part 1

Nelson Vergel: I'm very happy to have Shaun Noorian, the owner and manager of Empower Rx Pharmacy in Houston. He's a member of,...
Depositphotos 179018140 m 2015

Anabolic Resistance: Why It Is Harder To Add Muscle Mass As We Age and...

We lose muscle mass and strength as we age. This is known as sarcopenia. Muscle loss could begin in our 30s. Genetics and lifestyle play...
Depositphotos 100560312 m 2015

Blood Test Analysis Reference Table

From the book:ANABOLIC STEROIDS-A QUESTION OF MUSCLE-PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS (By Michael Scally) and edited for the use of this site Test Reference Range Alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) Levels...
testosterone benefits keywords

Top Testosterone and Men’s Health News- May 2017

Half-Lives of Medication: The Most Underrated Aspect of TRT Is Glutathione the Best Supplement for Health? Should We Be Managing Estradiol and Hematocrit in Men on...
Depositphotos 74485497 m 2015

Water Retention Caused by Anabolics and Testosterone

I think Patrick Arnold makes a great point about a potential mechanism for edema that has nothing to do with elevated estradiol. People familiar with...